After the viva, the PGR must make any necessary corrections to their thesis to the satisfaction of their internal examiner before submitting the final thesis to the University. Please see our Guide to the thesis examination process for more detailed information.
A summary of the main steps and timescales for the submission and examination of theses to help you know what to expect.
Each examiner should read the thesis carefully and independently of the other examiner(s), bearing in mind the criteria for the award of the degree. Before the oral examination, each examiner must prepare a preliminary report.
After the oral examination, the joint examiners’ report should be completed, signed and countersigned by the Director of PGR Studies then returned to the Doctoral College Operations (DCO) team.
All examiners will receive instructions which detail the University of Leeds examination process and cover their responsibilities and duties of prior to, during and following the viva.
The Progress and Examinations Group ratifies examination results of all postgraduate research degrees and awards those degrees.
Preparing for the oral examination The internal examiner arranges the oral examination. The examiners are asked to accept a timescale of three months from when they received the thesis to complete the oral examination (or six months for an MD). Many PGRs find the provision of a "mock viva" extremely beneficial in the preparation for the oral examination and, where requested by the PGR, the supervisor is asked to organise this. Please see our Guide to the thesis examination process for more detailed information about the support available to PGRs in preparation for their viva.
The examiners' recommendation will normally be given informally to the PGR (and the supervisor if attending) immediately after the viva (but no more than 24 hours afterwards).
There are key dates and events to keep in mind while supporting PGRs through the thesis submission process both in the lead up to submission and while submitting the thesis.