If you work in a student-facing role, documents here will help you to provide accurate advice and guidance to your students, particularly about the support that is available to them.
Academic Misconduct is taken very seriously. The procedure described here applies to all taught students and for those with taught elements within their research degrees.
This section contains policies and guidance on student support related areas. It includes academic, policies relating to equity of support, data protection and the Dignity and Mutual Respect policy. Different headings contain related policies for quick access.
Definitive procedure for students on taught programmes or modules to appeal against the results of University examinations and assessments.
This policy sets out expectations for the attendance and engagement monitoring for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students.
The University needs to process certain information about its employees, students and other individuals. In so doing, the University must comply with Data Protection legislation.
This policy explains the expected behaviour at the University. It tells you what to do if you feel you are being bullied, harassed or victimised, or if you witness any inappropriate behaviour.
Inclusiveness is one of the core University values. This framework explains how we will incorporate inclusiveness throughout our cultures, business and day-to-day organisational practice.
This relates to students registered on programmes leading to award by relevant statutory bodies in medicine, dentistry, midwifery, nursing, radiography, other healthcare professions and teaching.
If students are experiencing difficulties accessing the online or digital aspects of their learning they should discuss this with their Academic Personal Tutor and/or SES student support team to establish the nature of the difficulty and explore solutions.
The Student Counselling team may provide letters of support for students claiming mitigating circumstances, or letters confirming attendance for counselling.
Ordinances define the qualifications the University awards and the associated regulations. They form part of the University Constitution.
The policy describes the University's approach to supporting students who care for children or dependent adults.
This paper encourages schools to consider introducing such schemes at School-level to support students’ induction and transition through various stages and levels of their studies.
Personal tutorials offered by academic staff in schools are an integral part of the pastoral and academic support for all students on taught programmes.
Students on placements or studying abroad continue to be Leeds students and we continue to provide support to them. Some aspects of support may differ from that provided in Leeds.
This policy describes the University's approach to supporting students who are pregnant, adopting or have very young children. It provides guidance to students and staff who may advise their students.
This policy, intended for the guidance of students and academic staff, relates to the proof-reading of any text to be submitted as part of academic course work, including dissertations.
Students can be 'referred' if they have seriously or repeatedly failed examinations. In some instances it is possible for a student to be excluded from the University without previous warning.
Fieldwork is an essential part of University teaching and research, enabling and inspiring many staff and students’ academic and personal development.
Students who have concerns or complaints about their academic provision, student experience or how they feel they are being treated should follow the student complaints procedure.
Student Staff Partnership Forums (SSPFs) are an important formal channel of communication and provide the opportunity for students and staff to work in partnership on matters relating to student education.
The procedure is applied to all taught students whose work, attendance, engagement or progress is unsatisfactory under the general academic regulations.