The Student Report - Closing the Feedback Loop
The Student Report is the module leaders’ response to module evaluation survey feedback. It is shared with students on the module. This page explains more about the process.
Module Leaders should complete a light-touch ‘Student Report’ using Explorance Blue.* This student-facing report forms the core compnent of module review, and should be completed by all module leaders.**
The Student Report offers an opportunity to reflect on the performance of the module in the light of student feedback, and allows students to see how their feedback will inform the development of the module.
It consists of a short form, to be completed in Explorance Blue. Section 1 of the form is automatically disseminated to all students on the module. The system will keep a record of this correspondence, accessible to colleagues who will formerly have seen Module Review forms (eg Directors for Student Education, Programme Leaders, and designated SES colleagues).
*Schools not using Explorance Blue should continue to communicate with their students following their normal process, and may opt to use an MS Word version of the Student Report if preferred.
** Some schools undertake additional module review activity in order to meet local or external reporting requirements. Schools will communicate details to module leaders where relevant.
What goes into a Student Report?
Module Leaders are encouraged to reflect on areas of good practice and any opportunities for development, reflecting on the delivery of the module and the comments and suggestions provided by the student feedback. They will be asked to respond to the following prompts in Explorance Blue:
Section 1: Closing the loop – Student-facing Reflections (your responses to these questions will be shared with students on your module, and will also be viewable by your Director for Student Education and other key staff)
- Provide a brief summary of the key themes arising from the student feedback. (This may include strengths/positive aspects and suggested areas for improvement.)
- Outline how the themes identified will inform the development of the module and teaching and assessment practice. (You may also wish to refer here to feedback from prior years or received via other mechanisms eg. Course Representatives.)
Section 2: Module Review – School-facing Reflections (your responses to this question will be shared with your Director of Student Education and other key staff)
- Provide a brief outline of any further reflections on the delivery of the module and any further opportunities for development to align with learning and teaching principles and curriculum themes.
Step-by-step guidance for completing a Student Report is available here, and guidance on interpreting and responding to student feedback is avilable here.
Important: Please ensure that the language and content of section 1 of the report is student-facing and that individual students are not identifiable from your comments. Reports will not be reviewed before their release to students, so please ensure that you are happy for what you have written to be shared before pressing ‘Submit’.
Who needs to complete a report?
Module leaders are responsible for completing reports and inputting the responses on to the system, but are welcome to collaborate with colleagues for team-taught modules. On co-led modules, module leaders can choose to collaborate on a single report (which should then be submitted by one module leader only), or to submit separate reports.
What is the deadline for my Student Report?
We ask that module leaders complete their reports within one month of receiving their module evaluation results.
If you cannot complete your report within this window, please contact The Leeds Partnership so that we can extend the submission windown on the system.
Which students receive Reports?
Reports are disseminated to all students in each module cohort, including those who did not complete a module evaluation.
Which staff members can see these Reports?
Directors for Student Education and other relevant staff members will have access to these reports, alongside the Quality Assurance Team.