Postgraduate researchers enrolling on taught modules

Postgraduate researchers can participate in taught modules, either with formal enrolment and assessment, or by attending part or all of the module without undergoing assessment,in addition to the research if they are useful for training and are approved by their supervisor(s).


Schools may ask PGRs to attend lectures or seminars which form part of a taught module to gain background knowledge, but may not require them to complete coursework or examination towards assessment of the module. This is called auditing a module.

If this is the case, there is no requirement to return a module enrolment form. It is at the discretion of the parent school to make arrangements for the student to sit in on any lectures and seminars which may be of benefit. 


Modules are normally taken during the first year of full-time study or the first and second year of part-time study. The  first commitment is to the research project so the PGR should not undertake too much additional work.

There are different processes if the PGR is on an integrated PhD and masters, normally part of a Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT).

If a PGR wants to take a taught module, a research student module enrolment form should be completed and returned to the Postgraduate Research and Operations team. The form should be authorised by both the parent school and the teaching school offering the module. Fees may be charged where modules are formally assessed.

Read the relevant guidelines (DOC).