Regulations, codes, policies and procedures for postgraduate research

This page is no longer maintained.  All current PGR policies and procedures are available on the Students website.

Formal Regulations and Codes of Practice

+ Progress and Monitoring

This page is no longer maintained.  All current PGR policies and procedures are available on the Students website.

+ Thesis Submission and Examination

This page is no longer maintained.  All current PGR policies and procedures are available on the Students website.

+ Complaints, Appeals and Disciplinary Matters

For all regulations and procedures relating to complaints, appeals and disciplinary matters please visit the Student Cases page on the Secretariat website

+ Engaging in research 

This page is no longer maintained.  All current PGR policies and procedures are available on the Students website.

+ For supervisors, Directors of Postgraduate Research Studies and examiners

This page is no longer maintained.  All current PGR policies and procedures are available on the Students website.

+ Doctoral College handbooks

This page is no longer maintained.  All current PGR policies and procedures are available on the Students website.

Please note that we would encourage all PGRs and staff to use the For Students – Postgraduate research website as their main point of reference, as this will always have the most up to date information.

Doctoral College Handbook 2024-25

The Doctoral College main handbook contains information that is relevant to all PGRs.  The annexes contain information that is specific to PGRs in those schools or faculties: 

Doctoral College 2024-2025 handbook annexes – all faculties and schools

Doctoral College 2024-2025 handbook annex – LUBS

+ Other relevant University Codes and Policies

This page is no longer maintained.  All current PGR policies and procedures are available on the Students website.

+ Ordinance and Regulations and Programmes of Study for Research Degrees (archive)

This page is no longer maintained.  All current PGR policies and procedures are available on the Students website.

Contains the formal regulations and requirements for the University’s research degrees regarding entry requirements, learning outcomes, assessment of progress, time limits for examination and the criteria which must be met before research degrees can be awarded.