Higher Doctorates

The Higher Doctorate is the highest degree which the University can award to a candidate. Within the relevant field of study the candidate must have distinguished themselves by their original contribution to scholarship.

Terms of Reference

1. To administer all higher doctorates governed by Ordinance XII and to implement University policy and procedures; 

2. To exercise such authority as may be vested in it from time to time by the Graduate Board in formulating policy in regard to the degrees of Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Music, Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Science and Doctor of Science (Engineering) and to consult with the Graduate Board over amendments to policy; 

3. To appoint examiners for higher doctorates after appropriate consultation;

4. To ratify examination results for the degrees listed above and to award such degrees and confer them in absentia where requested, under authority delegated by the Graduate Board.

Membership 2022-2023

Chair - Professor Luke Windsor

Normally one Representative from each of the Faculties (who must be either a Professor or holder of a higher doctorate): 

Arts, Humanities and Cultures - vacancy

Business - Professor Giuseppe Fontana (2018-22) 

Biological Sciences - Professor Ronaldo Ichiyama (2021-24)

Environment - vacancy

Engineering and Physical Sciences - Professor Helen Gleeson (2021-24)

Medicine and Health - Professor David Buckley (2021-24)

Social Sciences - Professor Edward Newman (2021-23)


Please direct any queries to the Leeds Doctoral College