School Action Plan Headlines

Schools are asked to select 2 to 3 key actions in partnership with students. These key actions should be those identified as having the potential for the most impactful results and will result in the creation of a ‘headline statement’ for the school.  

The proposed method for student consultation is via discussion at a Student Staff Partnership Forum (SSPF). Depending on the timing/business of SSPFs in the school, DSEs may wish to utilise a similar student forum or generate an alternative space for these conversations.   DSEs are invited to engage students in conversations about key actions in a way that best suits their school. Where the gathering of anonymous feedback would be useful, a Padlet template has been made available and can be adapted as necessary: Your Say on Key School Actions 2023-24.  

The December FTSEC agenda will provide space for DSEs to report their headlines agreed with students, which will be presented verbally, with no requirement for any written paper.  If there are circumstances where it will not be possible to have identified these headlines in advance of the FTSEC meeting, the mechanism and intended timeframe in which headlines will be produced will be noted in the FTSEC minutes.

Headline statements will be made available to students, hosted publicly online and shared directly with students via Student Communications. We would encourage schools to also feed back to the student body via Student Reps in the way they feel most appropriate (e.g. a school student newsletter, email/messaging platforms, digital screens in schools, student briefing, etc.).