Review of Study Abroad/Horizon Year Partnerships

The University has a process for regular review of institution-wide and School-based study abroad/Horizon year arrangements.

The Collaborations and Partnerships Committee oversees arrangements for the review of institution-wide and School-based arrangements with overseas partners on behalf of the Taught Student Education Board (TSEB). See the University Guidance for the completion of review of Study Abroad/Horizon Year Partnerships.


Reviews of study abroad arrangements consider whether the exchange is balanced in terms of student numbers and continues to be in the strategic interest of the School and the University as a whole.


The cycle of review for School partnership arrangements will be prompted by the Quality Assurance team, as part of the cycle of Student Academic Experience Reviews (SAER), based on a list of on-going partnerships provided by the Study Abroad office.  The reviews will:

  • take place in the semester following the Student Academic Experience Review in order not to overburden Schools preparing for review.  A selection of Schools will be piloted during semester 2 of the 2015/16 session;

  • be led by the Director Student Education with support from the School’s Study Abroad Co-ordinator;

  • use a template with appropriate questions as a basis for the review, provided by the Quality Assurance team;

  • be submitted for School TSEC consideration and recommendation on whether to continue or withdraw the arrangement;

  • be forwarded by the Quality Assurance team for onward consideration by a group comprising representatives from the Study Abroad office, Quality Assurance team and other academic colleagues with experience of considering study abroad; 

  • be forwarded by the Quality Assurance team to the Collaborations and Partnerships Committee for decision and subsequent endorsement by Taught Student Education Board.  


Review of Institution-wide links are conducted by the Study Abroad Office on a rolling six-year basis, in consultation with Schools and Faculties. Recommendations for renewal are made to the Collaborations and Partnerships Committee.  Following consideration of the review information recommendations for continuation or withdrawal of the Institutional partnership are endorsed by the Taught Student Education Board.