Higher and degree apprenticeship approval
The University is committed to developing a portfolio of Higher and Degree Apprenticeship programmes which respond to employer demand in areas of mutual benefit
Degree Apprenticeship Outline Business Case
To avoid unnecessary work in developing new or amended programme documentation, a Degree Apprenticeship Outline Business Case (DAOBC) is required to identify the benefits and costs of the programme. The Degree Apprenticeship Outline Business Case pro-forma contains guidance notes for each section beginning on page 6. Before completing the pro-forma, please ensure the programme has the support of your Faculty Pro-Dean for Student Education.
The financial viability section of the pro-forma should be completed in consultation with the Faculty Finance Officer. A financial spreadsheet version of the form should be utilised.
In some cases the needs of the employer as set out in the degree apprenticeship standard will best be met through cross-faculty academic provision, in which case the DAOBC will require consultation with, and support from, both Faculties.
The DAOBC will be considered by a designated group of University Executive Group (UEG) members which will be responsible for institutional approval of the outline business case for the development of all higher and degree apprenticeship programmes. If the outline business case is accepted, the Faculty will take responsibility for the approval of the programme, focussing on the academic content, design, quality and standards.
Information and advice
If you are considering developing a higher or degree apprenticeship programme, please speak to a member of the Learning Enhancement Team in the first instance.
The Learning Enhancement Team offers advice and guidance on the University’s approach to higher and degree apprenticeships. The LE Team will also outline how Ofsted inspects the quality of apprenticeship training that is delivered by the University of Leeds as a training provider, to ensure it is high-quality and meets the needs of employers and apprentices.
Information and advice is available as follows:
General advice and guidance on developing a Higher or Degree Apprenticeship – Learning Enhancement Team
Financial modelling, viability and risk - Faculty Finance Officer
Market Research, viability and risk - Faculty Marketing Manager
Student Education Service Support - Faculty Education Service Manager