Formal Reporting Routes

Talking to the Harassment and Misconduct team or submitting a form through Report + Support does not constitute a formal report. Disclosures allow for students and PGRs to make an informed choice about their next steps.  

When a student or PGR talks to our specialist advisors or completes a form on Report + Support, they can sometimes misunderstand what happens next. Some think that they have made a complaint, such as through our Student Cases team, or think we will take disciplinary action against another student. That isn’t the role of the team.  

We aim to empower students to make an informed choice about their next steps. There are formal reporting options on campus and off. Navigating formal reporting options can be overwhelming. For confidential support with understanding on making a formal report, students and PGRs should contact the Harassment and Misconduct team at  

On campus  

Students can make a formal complaint to the University through the Student Complaints Procedure. All reports are taken seriously and we are committed to addressing issues that are raised.  

Off campus

Students can also report an incident to the police.   

It may take longer to get an in-person appointment with our campus police liaison. If you are reporting an incident of sexual violence, it's important to report the incident as quickly as possible. If the student or PGR wishes to report the matter to the Police, the Harassment and Misconduct Team can support them to do so.