Supernumerary modules
Supernumerary modules are modules chosen by students for interest only and are taken as extra credits on top of the normal amount of credits for the year of study (usually 120 credits for an undergraduate Programme Year or 180 for a postgraduate Programme Year).
Students are permitted to register for up to 20 credits of supernumerary modules each year (at the discretion of the parent school) and schools must inform the Exams and Progress Team of the choice at the beginning of the session and before the deadline for changing modules (see Timeline of Events for deadlines).
Credits gained in supernumerary modules cannot be counted for progression or classification purposes (e.g. a student passing 70 credits plus a 10-credit supernumerary module is not permitted to include the supernumerary credits to give them the 80 credits required to progress).
Where any supernumerary modules are required to meet the learning outcomes of a specific programme, the rule as to whether these credits count for classification should be stated in the Programme Specification and made clear in corresponding material for students. Where students opt to take supernumerary modules outside of the Programme Specification these do not count towards classification.
Supernumerary modules will be recorded on Banner with a status of SN and marks gained for such modules will appear on official transcripts.