Marking scales and non-numeric marks
From academic year 2018/19 all University assessments will be marked on a 0-100 scale (or a categorical marking scale aligned to a 0-100 scale).
From 2018/19 the 20-90 marking scale will no longer be used by the University and all modules will be marked on the 0-100 marking scale.
Pre-2018/19 marks which were graded on the 20-90 scale will be translated to the 0-100 scale for classification purposes. A translation table is available on the Explanation of Marks webpage.
Faculties and schools (other than the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry in relation to the MBChB and MChD/BChD programmes) must mark undergraduate and postgraduate modules, assessment scripts and other assessed work using the 0-100 scale.
The full range of marks from 0-100 is available.
All assessed work is marked according to the achievement represented.
Non-numeric Marks and Suffixes
For information about the use of non-numeric marks and suffixes please visit the Process Management SharePoint site where a list of descriptions and examples is available. Please note staff will be required to login to this site using their University of Leeds username and password. If you are unsure of how to access the site staff members should contact their Functional Manager.
Information is also published for students on the Explanation of Marks webpage.