EPA External Examiners

End Point Assessment (EPA) External Examiners are are responsible for providing external oversight of the end point assessment aspect of integrated higher and degree apprenticeships, and external quality assurance monitoring of our EPA delivery.

A number of our apprenticeship programmes have an integrated end point assessment, where the final assessment (EPA) that demonstrates occupational competence is fully integrated into the on-programme delivery. In these instances, the University is responsible for delivering the EPA independently and in line with the published assessment plan (EPA plan) for the apprenticeship standard, as detailed on the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IFATE) website.


EPA External Examiners are normally appointed for four years. The role is usually undertaken by the external examiner appointed by the University to have oversight of the higher education qualification that is integrated in the apprenticeship and the end point assessment (usually a module on the programme). The role is therefore normally a set of additional responsibilities undertaken by the programme external examiner alongside their regular duties. EPA external examiners are ordinarily appointed to both roles at the same time via a single appointment process, with a supplementary EPA external examiner form requiring completion.


The EPA external examiner handbook provides details on the role of EPA external examiners, including the external quality assurance activities and reporting requirements. The EPA external examiner handbook should be read in conjunction with the university external examiner handbook which provides details on institutional policies and procedures related to external examining, appointments and duties. 


EPA external examiners will be provided with a schedule of EPA activities for each academic year once these are known. The schedule will include dates for potential visits to observe EPA delivery (where applicable) and dates of Progression/ End Point Assessment and Awards Boards. EPA external examiners are required to conduct at least one visit to the university as EPA Organisation for each cohort of apprentices completing an EPA, these visits can be conducted either on-site or online.


EPA external examiners are required to submit an annual report within four weeks of the relevant EPA/ Progression and Awards Board. A template is provided by the Apprenticeships Team to ensure consistency of the reports. EPA external examiners are asked to submit completed reports in Word format to the Apprenticeships Team.

The Apprenticeships Team will circulate received reports to the relevant Schools and request a School response which is either written or approved by the Head of School. The Apprenticeships Team will respond to the report as applicable, and forward the completed report to the EPA External Examiner, the School, and also retain a copy as part of ongoing external quality assurance monitoring and review of our EPA delivery.


EPA external examiners are required to undertake continuous professional development (CPD) and training in-line with the standards set out in the assessment plan. EPA external examiners should maintain up-to-date occupational and assessment skills, and knowledge of the relevant apprenticeship standard developments. EPA external examiners and also Independent Assessors are asked to document the CPD activity that they undertake each session using a form provided by the Apprenticeships Team.  


Schools are responsible for the payment of fees and expenses to EPA external examiners. EPA external examiners are paid an annual fee upon receipt of the annual report. Fee rates are detailed in the schedule of payments. EPA external examiners can also claim reasonable travel and subsistence expenses, for example to cover expenses for visiting the university to sample live EPA delivery. Valid expenses will be reimbursed by the relevant school which will provide the necessary claim forms.


Please contact the Apprenticeships Team at apprenticeships@leeds.ac.uk at with any questions relating to EPA external examiners at the university.