Ad hoc assessments: on the day of the assessment

Invigilators will bring signage to the venue, check student ID, collect completed scripts, and report absences, incidents and suspicious behaviour.

Signage and stationery

The Assessment & Progress Team provides invigilators with the following material:

  • laminated signs for inside and outside the venue e.g. Quiet, exam conditions etc
  • seat numbers
  • stationery such as absence forms, additional candidate forms and incident report forms

Candidate absences

If a candidate is absent, the invigilator will complete an absence form and collect it at the end of the assessment in place of a completed script.

Additional candidates

If seats and assessment question papers are available, candidates who arrive unexpectedly will be permitted to sit the assessment. The invigilator will complete an additional candidate form and collect it with the completed script. If no seats or scripts are available, the invigilator will ask the student to report to their school.

Report an incident

Invigilators will report incidents during assessments directly to the school and to the Assessment & Progress Team.  After the exam an incident report form will be submitted to the school.

Student ID checks

Invigilators will check student ID cards against the seating list. A missing ID form will be submitted to the school during the exam for any students without their ID. School staff must then verify the students’ identity before the exam ends.

Suspicious behaviour

If an invigilator notes that a student is acting suspiciously, they will contact the Assessment & Progress Team immediately and a member of the Team will come to the assessment. An invigilator will also complete a green incident report form. All cases of suspected cheating are handled at University level in the same manner as main assessment periods.

Script book collection

At the end of the assessment, invigilators will collect all script books and count them back in against the seating list while students remain in their seats. No student will be allowed to leave the venue until all script books have been collected and checked.