Service Culture Statement

The Service’s Culture Statement has been developed in collaboration with colleagues across the SES; it describes what we believe is important both in terms of our service delivery and being part of the SES community.

The Student Education Service consists of over 800 colleagues working together across a large campus; having a collective view of how we would like our service culture and community to be across all parts of the Service was felt to be an important development.

Download the Service Culture Statement 

How it was developed

During 2018 roadshows were held in a variety of locations across campus in order to include everyone in the SES. The aim of these events was to discover what people thought should be included within the Culture Statement both in terms of the service we provide and the community we want to be part of.

Over 200 colleagues attended the roadshows to input their views and share ideas. Using the feedback provided, a small working group consisting of representatives across the Service, drafted the first version of the Culture Statement. Opportunity was then given to all Service staff to comment on the draft, and further refinements were made.

The SES Culture Statement was created by the SES community to describe how they would like the culture to be within the Service. It is the responsibility of all colleagues to help bring this to life and so we would encourage teams to reflect on the values and behaviours included within the Statement. The Statement will be reviewed every two years to ensure it accurately reflects the values and behaviours colleagues feel are important within the service.