Learn about and log in to our standard system for recording postgraduate researchers progress including how to get started and FAQs.
The Graduate Record of Achievement and Development (GRAD) is the University record keeping system for all Postgraduate Researchers:
All postgraduate researchers (PGRs) and supervisors can now use the system to organise, manage and report on:
supervision meetings
first formal progress review
- annual progress reviews
- create a training plan
- manage change requests (including annual leave, authorised absence and change of location).
Please note that if you have previously been using the PDR this has now been changed to a ‘read only’ format. Rest assured that none of your information or data will be lost. However, you cannot now add to your records in the PDR, nor can you use it to arrange meetings. Within your personal GRAD record, you will find a link that will take you directly to your personal PDR page; this should make it easy to move between the two systems in this initial transitional period. However, GRAD must now be used for all PGR record-keeping
Guides and support
User guides explaining how to use GRAD are available on the system (select 'Guides' from the left-hand menu in GRAD). If you have any problems using the system, please contact your Graduate School Administrator.
1. PGRO has requested that the ability for supervisors to start the FFPR process be switched off in GRAD. So, in the longer term this should not be an issue.
2. We would suggest that the PGR use the "Add on a follow on note" functionality to record their part of the process. The PGR should go into GRAD and open the FFPR. On the right hand side of the screen is the option to Add on a follow on note and there is an upload function for them to upload a word copy of the completed FFPR form. 3. There is currently no automated email in GRAD to the supervisor to alert them to the added note. So the PGR will need to email their supervisor outside of GRAD to let them know this has been added. 4. The supervisor can the select the completed FFPR for the PGR in GRAD and view the follow on note and any attachment. 5. The supervisor can, if necessary, add a follow on note themselves. Again they would need to email the PGR to let them know a note has been added. |
Q2: The PGR has submitted their FFPR/APR and it is now with the supervisor. The PGR now realises that they have made an error and needs to amend their report. What do we do? |
The supervisor will have the option to return the report to the PGR.
To do this they should go into GRAD select the relevant task (or click on the link in the email) and then on the right hand side of the page they will see the option to “return report” (orange button) |
Q3: The main supervisor has drafted the FFPR and wishes to seek comments from the co-supervisor. How do we do this? |
(a) The main supervisor could agree changes to the report outside of GRAD.
(b) The main supervisor should complete their draft of the report and “save for later”. On the right hand side menu they will have the option to delegate this task (grey button). If they click on this button the name of the co-supervisor or co-supervisors will appear. They should select the relevant individual to delegate to. The co-supervisor will then receive an email notification and the task. The co-supervisor can view the draft report and edit as necessary. They can then either “save for later” and delegate back to the main supervisor or “save” and submit the FFPR as complete. |
Q4: There is an option for the supervisor to raise concerns with the PGRT – what does this do? |
The supervisor should complete this section if they have concerns with the PGR’s progress which they believe need to be drawn to the attention of the PGRT. This will generate an email to the PGRT and PGR Admin and will be recorded in the records with a concerns raised flag. |
Q5: I am the PGRT and have received a notification that the supervisor has raised concerns about the PGR’s progress. What do I do? |
You should review the comments raised by the supervisor in the relevant workflow in GRAD (eg supervision meeting notes, FFPR, APR). Any action required will depend on the individual circumstances. As PGRT and PGRA you have the option to add a “follow on note” against the relevant workflow in GRAD. You can use this record any follow up action taken outside of GRAD. |
Q6: I am a supervisor and when I log into GRAD I cannot see any PGRs that I am supervisor for. What do I do? |
Raise this via the IT Helpdesk |
Q7: I am a supervisor and in GRAD I can see some PGRs but not all. What do I do? |
Raise this with your Graduate School Administrator |
Q8: I am the PGR Tutor - how do I find a list of PGRs that I am PGRT for? |
Select “Graduate School” to access a number of dashboards. The “Current Postgraduate Researchers” dashboards includes all PGRs for your School/Faculty. The “PGRT Assignment” Dashboard shows which PGRs each PGRT is assigned to |
Q9: I am the PGR Tutor but I am not listed as PGRT for the correct PGRs/ The PGRT listing is incorrect. What do I do? |
Raise this with your Graduate School Administrator |
Q10: I am the PGR Tutor and I have received a task as PGRT for a PGR I am also the supervisor for. What do I do? |
You can delegate the task to one of the other PGRTs (grey button). You should also Raise this with your Graduate School Administrator so that the PGRT assignment can be changed in GRAD |
Q11: I am the Chair of a Transfer Panel. I have drafted the Joint Transfer Report. How do I share this with other Panel members for comment? |
The recommended best practice is to complete the transfer report immediately after the viva whilst all members of the Panel are still present. If this is not possible the following instructions may be helpful. After you have drafted the report you should select save for later. Outside of GRAD you can email the other Panel members to let them know the draft report is available to view in GRAD and invite comments. The other Panel members will have the option to view the draft report in GRAD (but not edit it) in the transfer workflow for the relevant PGR. They will need to forward comments on the draft to you outside of GRAD. The Panel Chair can then edit the report to include any comments before saving and submitting it. |
Q12: Advisors – How can I attach them to a PGR’s record and what will they be able to see and do in GRAD? |
Advisors are not recorded in BANNER so will not feed through to GRAD. However, any Advisors added in the PDR should have been transferred to GRAD when the PDR data was extracted on 21 March. The PGRA can add (or remove) an Advisor to an individual PGR's record using the edit function at the top of the PGR’s project page in their GRAD record. Advisors have view only access to GRAD for the individual PGR concerned. They cannot edit supervision meetings or other GRAD records as this functionality is for supervisors only. If the Advisor has written notes of a meeting they should forward these to the PGRA so that the PGRA can upload them to the GRAD record using the Project Files functionality (against Advisor meeting notes). |
Q13: The First Formal Progress Report is (i) not visible to the PGR so they cannot start the process or (ii) the First Formal Progress Report date is incorrect for an Integrated PhD and Masters PGR or a 4 year PhD programme. What do I do? |
We understand that this GRAD generated date will not be appropriate for Integrated PhD and Master and some 4 year PhD programmes. In both of the above two cases the PGRA can edit the completion date for the FFPR in GRAD using Project Dates. Please edit the FFPR “completion” date to do this. Once this is edited the new date will show in GRAD and the option to complete the FFPR will re-appear and be available for 6 months from the new completion date. |
Q14: Can an external supervisor access GRAD? |
External supervisors will be able to access GRAD (view only) shortly. This is being worked on at the moment. GRAD (view-only) access may not be required by external supervisors in all cases and is not a University requirement. We will inform Schools of the process to be followed as soon as this is available in the live system. In all cases where an external supervisor is appointed the School must continue inform PGRO of their details. PGRO will arrange for the nomination to be considered and approved on behalf of the PSAG and then create the external supervisor in Banner and attach them to the PGR’s record. If GRAD access is also required, the external supervisor will require an IT username to access the GRAD system. Therefore (if they have not already done so) the external supervisor should be advised to apply for a University IT username and password which will allow them to access GRAD once the functionality is available. The link to apply for a username is: The external supervisor should be advised they will need to complete the Category section of the form as visitor/contractor. Once the application has been verified the School will need to inform PGRO of the external supervisor’s username and email address. |
Q15: A PGR or Supervisor has started a Meeting Request in error/or the meeting did not take place. What should they do? |
Either the PGR or Supervisor can confirm the “Meeting Did not Take Place” by clicking on the orange button in the relevant supervision meeting (they are then asked to confirm they would like to mark this meeting as having not taken place). When this action is taken the meeting will no longer show on the supervision or visa monitoring dashboards. It is good practice for the PGR or Supervisor to record in the “Add on Notes” a brief note eg the meeting was set up in error. |
Q16: A PGR (or supervisor) wishes to delete an entry in the First Formal Progress Report, Annual Progress Review, Transfer etc. What should they do? |