Assessment assistants

Assessment assistants work under the supervision of an internal examiner to assist with the assessment of students' work. The internal examiner remains responsible for the awarded marks.

How are assessment assistants appointed?

The arrangements for appointing, training and supervising assessment assistants are dealt with at the school level, and are the responsibility of the head of school.  

A school must always maintain a complete, detailed and up-to-date record of such appointments and training received.

In what situations may assessment assistants be appointed?

It is only appropriate to appoint assessment assistants if:

  • The assessment is conducted against well-defined success criteria: for example, in the case of a multiple choice question (MCQ) paper.

How is the work of assessment assistants supervised? 

To ensure the quality of the work of assessment assistants, it is important that:

  • assessment assistants are trained
  • the marking they undertake is comprehensively monitored and moderated
  • assessment design remains the responsibility of the module leader (assistants may be involved in the design of assessments but only under close supervision and guidance from the module leader)
  • the school maintains a complete, detailed and up-to-date record of assessment assistants appointed and the training and guidance provided.