Book a room

Book rooms for ad hoc activities using our web booking system.

Arrangements differ depending on the type of activity and whether it is during or out of term time. Restrictions also apply during exam and graduation periods.

Book a room between 12th August 2024 and 10th August 2025

PLEASE NOTE – You need to use either an on-campus PC or Windows Virtual Desktop to access the web booking system. 


Do not use the room booking system to book teaching activities. They won't appear on your students' timetables. This includes teaching outside core hours. Contact your school timetabler for advice. 

There is no room charge for teaching activities. 

One-off internal bookings

Timetabled teaching takes precedence so we can only confirm ad hoc room bookings during teaching hours (9am-6pm) in semesters 1 and 2 once the teaching timetable is confirmed in mid-September. 

For one-off, internal bookings made on campus, use the room booking system for bookings between 12th August 2024 and 10th August 2025 and follow the on-screen instructions. You can currently book rooms for dates between 12th August 2024 and up to 10th August 2025.

Our online booking system lets anyone with a University staff username book general teaching spaces and meeting rooms, as well as some department-owned rooms (IT clusters; Business School; Civil Engineering). 

You can:

  • book rooms for meetings and activities
  • find the most relevant location for your event
  • view all your bookings
  • cancel a booking 

Contact the timetabling team directly to:

  • make, cancel or change same or next day bookings
  • for urgent enquiries.

Conferences and external events

An event is an organised ‘activity or group of activities’ taking place in locations owned, rented or under the direct control of the University.

The process for booking rooms for event activity is determined by the type of room you wish to book, the time of year you would like to hold your event and whether you are internal or external to the University.

All external event enquiries should be directed to the Conferences Office.

Using the University's conference management service to manage your conference

Conferences can be booked by University staff or by external organisations through the Conferences and Events team. This team has the skills and expertise to manage your event and ensure all arrangements for the conference are delivered in a highly professional way. Visit the Meet in Leeds website for details of the conference management service offered.

Core rooms

Core rooms are reserved by the Conferences and Events team up to the following cut-off dates:

  • 1 October for Christmas vacation
  • 1 February for Easter vacation
  • 1 May for summer vacation.

After these dates the rooms are released for general access. If you want to book a room before the cut-off date, please contact the Conference and Events team. To book a core room after the cut-off date or book general teaching space at any time, please book via the Webroom booking page.

Charges may be payable for booking core rooms and the level of the charge depends on what the room is booked for and how the booking is managed.

Booking catering and additional equipment

Catering is available through the Conferences and Events team. Please check the catering menus and pricing. If you need media or audio-visual equipment, please check the Estates and Facilities website. To qualify for an internal rate, you'll need an internal account number when booking.

Hybrid Meeting Rooms (for Staff use only)

Hybrid Meeting Rooms (HMRs) are specially designed spaces enabling clear communication between all participants (in person and online) using advanced audio and video equipment that is suitable to the room. The university has a few hybrid meeting rooms across campus available for all staff to book via MS Outlook.

Information about where the hybrid meeting rooms are and how to book them using MS Outlook is available here.

Room usage terms and conditions

For terms and conditions of use, room locations, photos and facilities, health and safety information, and PC logins for guests please refer to the room usage webpage.