Module evaluation survey questions

Module evaluation surveys at the University must include a set of questions or ‘core statements’ to which students are required to respond as part of the survey.

Required ‘core statements’

Due to hybrid delivery for the 2020/21 academic session, module evaluation questions have been updated to reflect the change in pedagogical approach. The set of 10 core statements, which module evaluation surveys must include in full, is:

1. Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of the module
2. Teaching on the module was of a high standard
3. Learning resources were intellectually stimulating and supported my learning
4. The content of the module was informed by relevant research and /or practice
5. The introduction to the module adequately prepared and informed me of the requirements to successfully engage with the module
6. The module provided opportunities to interact with others and to share knowledge, ideas and perspectives
7. All learning tasks and in-course assessments supported my understanding of the module’s content
8. There were opportunities to provide in-course feedback on the delivery of the module and the learning resources provided
9. Feedback on my work during the module helped me monitor my progress and understanding
10. The module was well managed and organised

To support the dissemination and completion of this evaluation, the Enterprise Survey tool will be made available to all schools through Minerva to facilitate the capturing of this data across all modules. 

Additional statements

The module evaluation should include the option for students to provide informative free text comments, including an opportunity for schools to obtain feedback on specific topics.  

Scoring Methodology

 All core statements, outlined above, require a response based on a 5 point Likert scale with the following scoring system:

Likert scoring table
 Response Text  Definitely agree  Mostly agree  Neither agree nor disgagree  Mostly disagree  Definitely disagree
 Score  5 3  1